
Snowflake Technologies developed proprietary applications for an advanced Vein Pattern Recognition System that could change the face of identity confirmation and secure access. Being a startup armed only with an early prototype, appearing as a significant player in the market was a challenge.


  • Brand Refinement

  • Presentation Design

  • Promotional Materials

  • Interface Design Support



To gain the respect of a Fortune 500 company, you first need to look like a Fortune 500 company. Our priority was to package both the firm and its technology for presentation to prospects. Two core strengths to build on were the demonstrable superiority of the technology and the name Snowflake (a great name for identity recognition technology, since “no two are alike”).


Tactical Magic first refined the company’s existing logo to make the connection between the name and the product more clear and compelling. We then upgraded the firm’s presentation tools and worked with the development team at Snowflake to create a more attractive, user-ready interface for a new prototype. Further, we deployed promotions for a pre-production unveiling at the industry’s major international trade show including direct mail, advertising and web tactics.


Snowflake Technologies enjoyed a successful trade show presence, registering more visitors than anticipated and gaining significant attention from the trade press. And, incidentally, Snowflake initiated dialogues with more than one Fortune 500 firm.
